Einzelne Songs
Rod Stewart - A Spanner In The Works (1995)
vom: 09.10.2021
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Rod_Stewart-A_Spanner_In_The_Works-1995-Wyse [img(width=500 height=500)][/img] [img(width=275 height=86)]links/images/zslogo.png[/img] [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img]
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Following the success of Unplugged...and Seated, Rod Stewart had shrewdly repositioned himself as a mature, middle-aged man who still had a slight streak of his wilder days in him. Unsurprisingly, the music both recalled his past glories in instrumentation, yet the attack was different - the acoustics rocked, but it wasn't bracing; it was like a back-porch jam session. Stewart expanded that approach on A Spanner in the Works, his first album since Unplugged. The acoustics are still there, but they're strummed a little more gently and set in a bed of unobtrusive synths. More importantly, Stewart tackles his most ambitious and varied set of material since A Night on the Town. From the pop/rock of Tom Petty's "Leave Virginia Alone" and the reflective take on Dylan's "Sweetheart like You" through the R&B tribute of "Muddy, Sam and Otis" and the rocking "Delicious" to the British folk of "Purple Heather," the songs recall his classic early albums in ambition and musical diversity. A Spanner in the Works isn't quite as successful as Gasoline Alley or Every Picture Tells a Story - it's a content album, not a probing one, which is appropriate for a middle-aged singer - yet it is the most inspired and ambitious record Stewart has released in nearly 20 years. Donal Lunny - Bouzouki David Lindley - Bouzouki Billy Preston - Organ Rod Stewart - Vocals, Producer James Newton-Howard - Keyboards Jeff Golub - Guitar Bernard Edwards - Bass Davey Johnstone - Guitar, Mandolin Andy Taylor - Guitar Anne Dudley - Piano, Strings, Arranger, Conductor Maire Ni Chathasaigh - Fiddle Kenny Aronoff - Drums Rick Braun - Arranger, Horn Leslie Butler - Harmonica Simon Clarke - Arranger, Horn Paulinho Da Costa - Percussion Jim Cregan - Guitar Lol Creme - Guitar Joey Diggs - Vocals (bckgr) Trevor Horn - Bass, Vocals (bckgr) Michael Landau - Guitar Nick Lane - Arranger, Horn Robin Lemesurier - Guitar Steve Lipson - Bass Roddy Lorimer - Arranger, Horn Jamie Muhoberac - Keyboards Martin O'Connor - Accordion Lenny Pickett - Arranger, Horn Tim Pierce - Guitar Joseph Powell - Vocals (bckgr) Guy Pratt - Guitar (Acoustic), Bass Frank Ricotti - Drums Paul Robinson - Drums Carmine Rojas - Bass Tim Sanders - Arranger, Horn Kevin Savigar - Bass, Strings, Arranger, Keyboards J. Neil Sidwell - Arranger, Horn Joe Turano - Vocals (bckgr) Oren Waters - Vocals (bckgr) David Woodford - Arranger, Horn Terry Young - Vocals (bckgr) Don Teschner - Fiddle, Mandolin Lamont VanHook - Vocals (bckgr) Mike Higham - Keyboards Aleisha Irving - Vocals John McSherry - Pipe David Palmer - Drums Fred White - Vocals (bckgr) ° °° ßÜ °Üß° ° °²Ý °²Ý ° ± °Üß ° Ü ° ßÜ° ± ² ߰ܲ² °°°°°° °° ßÜÜ°ßÜ°ÜÜß °°°°°°° °°ÜÜÜÜß° ² Û °ßßÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²ÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛÛ²ßÛÛÜß²ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛ۲߰ Û Û °°°° °ß °²Ý ° °°°° °°°°°° Û ßÜ ÜßßÜ°°°° ÞÝ ßÜ°°°° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ °°°° Üß °ÜÜÜܲ²ßßßß °°°°°°°°°°° tRACK iNFORMATION °°°°°°°°°°° ßßßß²²ÛÜÜÜ° °ÛÛÛ²ßß° °ßß²ÛÛ° 01 Windy Town 5:12 02 The Downtown Lights 6:33 03 Leave Virginia Alone 4:07 04 Sweetheart Like You 4:54 05 This 5:19 06 Lady Luck 4:25 07 You're the star 4:40 08 Muddy, Sam and Otis 4:42 09 Hang On St. Christopher 4:04 10 Delicious 4:43 11 Soothe Me 3:34 12 Purple Heather 4:56 ° °° ßÜ °Üß° ° °²Ý °²Ý ° ± °Üß ° Ü ° ßÜ° ± ² ߰ܲ² °°°°°° °° ßÜÜ°ßÜ°ÜÜß °°°°°°° °°ÜÜÜÜß° ² Û °ßßÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²ÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛÛ²ßÛÛÜß²ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛ۲߰ Û Û °°°° °ß °²Ý ° °°°° °°°°°° Û ßÜ ÜßßÜ°°°° ÞÝ ßÜ°°°° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ °°°° Üß °ÜÜÜܲ²ßßßß °°°°°°°°°°° gROUP mEMBERS °°°°°°°°°°° ßßßß²²ÛÜÜÜ° °ÛÛÛ²ßß° °ßß²ÛÛ° ° °²Ý °²Ý ° endoffile. ÞÝ Üß þ +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Dateiname | Korr. Bitrate | | | (kBit/s) | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 01-rod_stewart-windy_town-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 02-rod_stewart-the_downtown_lights-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 03-rod_stewart-leave_virginia_alone-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 04-rod_stewart-sweetheart_like_you-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 05-rod_stewart-this-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 06-rod_stewart-lady_luck-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 07-rod_stewart-youre_the_star-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 08-rod_stewart-muddy_sam_and_otis-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 09-rod_stewart-hang_on_st._christopher-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 10-rod_stewart-delicious-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 11-rod_stewart-soothe_me-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 12-rod_stewart-purple_heather-wyse.mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+
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